Mariner Dad's

By, Blake Foy

Good day! Where do I begin??

My name is Blake Foy, I was borne and RAISES!! In South-East Ketchikan Alaska. I have lived in Ketchikan, AK 28 years. I have lived on my own since I was 14. I learned quickly it was time to WORK or STARVE.. I decided work! I attended a alternative middle/high-school giving me the ability to leave school at noon and work the rest of the day at my job as a welder! I had good support through the school and close family friend's. I left my job as a welder at a small family owned drydock on the ocean waterfront when I was 17 with high ambition's to be a captain at Amak Towing!! I have been working on the water in the marine industry my entire life. Completing jobs from professional pile-buck to 10 month Tugboat trips across the Gulf Of Alaska all the way to Prudhoe Bay Alaska.

Then, out of no where it happen! I met my future wife, we have since had our first daughter. I quickly realized its time to figure out a way to be home as I would not miss the birth or growing up period of my first child!!!

I am incredibly excided to be given the opportunity to help out as many mariners/FAMILY MEMBERS that want to be home with their family. Go ahead and log in, inside this group we will all be working together to make possible what every mariner I have ever had the pleasure of meeting including myself would not have considered possible..

Blake and my wife Megan

Blake Foy

Good day! Where do I begin??My name is Blake Foy, I was borne and RAISES!! In South-East Ketchikan Alaska. I have lived in Ketchikan, AK 28 years. I have lived on my own since I was 14. I learned quickly it was time to WORK or STARVE.. I decided work! I attended a alternative middle/high-school giving me the ability to leave school at noon and work the rest of the day at my job as a welder! I had good support through the school and close family friend's. I left my job as a welder at a small family owned drydock on the ocean waterfront when I was 17 with high ambition's to be a captain at Amak Towing!! I have been working on the water in the marine industry my entire life. Completing jobs from professional pile-buck to 10 month Tugboat trips across the Gulf Of Alaska all the way to Prudhoe Bay Alaska. Then, out of no where it happen! I met my future wife, we have since had our first daughter. I quickly realized its time to figure out a way to be home as I would not miss the birth or growing up period of my first child!!!

I am incredibly excided to be given the opportunity to help out as many mariners/FAMILY MEMBERS that want to be home with their family. Go ahead and log in, inside this group we will all be working together to make possible what every mariner I have ever had the pleasure of meeting including myself would not have considered possible..

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